Career Paths

      Starting Early
      School & Junior
      Course Selection
      Life After Hockey

      Rules & Eligibility
      Eligibility Explained
      What to Ask Coaches
      SAT Question o/t Day
      Div I Teams
      Div III Teams

      CIAU Teams

      Rules & Eligibility
      CCAA Teams

For student athletes, playing NCAA Division I is the pinnacle of university hockey. For those of us who see university alongside hockey, our educational and hockey goals are focused on one thing, landing a scholarship. Scholarships, or simply the opportunity to play at a Div I school, are the driving force behind many young players' aspirations and will weigh heavily in the decision to play Tier II Junior 'A' versus Major Junior hockey. As with the step from minor hockey to junior, enabling yourself to make the step from junior to university requires preparation and planning. Making this transition as a player is one thing, but making it as a student will be a significant challenge, and it is a challenge you will face for the duration of your university career.

      As a junior, high school, or prep school player, a great deal of preparation must go towards making yourself as valuable a prospect as you can be. Beyond making the grades, you, as a player, must take steps to ensure your eligibility if varsity athletics is your goal. There is a lot that you need to know, from NCAA Regulations to the NCAA Clearinghouse and the SAT. Take the time to learn what you need to know, and if you can't find clarification for the question you have, be sure to Ask the Vet.

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