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Q: Do they have leagues for seniors twenty-one and above. Because, I'm not shooting for pro, but it would be nice if they had an organized league for adults.

A: Finding a place to play is one of the first obstacles that a player encounters as an adult. Growing up, we always know what the next step is. Next year will be Bantam, etc. Minor hockey is a comfortable place for players to be. Truthfully, though, there are just as many men's teams and leagues out there. The difference is that you may be involved in organizing it. As a young player, we always just show up at the rink with little thought given to all the organization and infrastructure involved. In many of the adult leagues, however, it is generally the players who set up the league structures, organize tournaments, and arrange ice times. For you, we recommend asking your friends. If you've played organized hockey in the past, chances are that one of your teammates is playing in a local men's league. As well, visit your local arena. Arenas quite often sell a large amount of their available ice times to recreational men's leagues. You may also want to check out your local college. Quite often there will be leagues comprised of students and the general public. And, quite often, the brand of hockey is quite good.
      The biggest adjustment to make when playing as an adult is the lack of structured competitiveness. There isn't necessarily a large following to these leagues, and you probably won't be going after a State championship. Don't let this fool you. We know a number of men's teams that would outshine many a junior team. As well, there is a goal at the end. As you get older, sometimes bragging rights amongst your peers is a big enough prize. The truth is that even as an adult, teams play to win. Believe us, you'll have a lot of good times. Another thing to look forward to are the tournaments. Men's league tournaments are some of the best in the world. Charles Schultz of Peanuts fame hosts a tournament in California every year that brings in men's clubs from all over the world. One of our ex-coaches, a former Stanley Cup Champion, looks forward to the Snoopy tournament with his men's team every year.
      From league to league, there will also be varying differences and rules. Some won't allow slap shots, some won't allow players under 50, some will be geared towards elite players, and many won't allow hitting. But, not to worry, there is a men's league in your area playing your brand of hockey. In Saskatchewan, there is a senior league that is well developed. Teams are made up of elite players, the brand of hockey is excellent, and many teams will get over a thousand fans per game. So, there are leagues out there. You just need to find them. USA hockey does have an online resource for senior teams and players. Outlined here, you may be interested to know that there is a national championship for senior hockey in the U.S. As well, we suggest you call Mark Tabrum who is the manager of adult hockey at (719) 576-8724 ext. 183. He'll be able to help you find an adult league in your area.
      We hope this will help you get started. What ever you do though, never stop playing. Hockey is the greatest game on Earth regardless of whether you are 14 or 44.

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