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Q: I have been searching for a good off-season training regime to stay fit and strong. Do you have any suggestions?

A: When it comes to staying in shape over the off-season, we recommend one thing in particular, cross-training. More simply, cross-training means playing other sports. The summer months are the ideal time for recreation. In fact, if you've managed all along to stay in shape over the winter months, then staying in shape over the summer should be that much easier. Your choices are greater with all of the outdoor recreation possibilities. Hiking, biking, golf, running, basketball, and rollerblading are just some of your many options. Playing other sports will improve your eye-hand coordination, stamina, and muscular endurance. By playing other sports, you are giving your body different kinds of workouts. With every sport comes new challenges, both mentally and physically. Changing your routine up a bit will also prevent burnout. If you've ever wondered how people can stand going to the gym day in and day out, now you know. Variety. Changing up your routine will keep it fresh.
      With all this said, if you are looking for something more inline with hockey, do just that. Try joining an inline hockey league. Granted, playing on roller blades definitely takes some adjustment, but it is also a great workout. With generally only four players per side on the floor at once and only two lines, you are guaranteed to work up a sweat. If that isn't enough, add in summer weather, take away the ice, and add more resistance to skating, and you'll get our point. Inline hockey can be a great way to stay in shape and will give you enough of a change that you won't dread going to the rink.
      Overall, whenever you are away from hockey, the important thing is to stay active. Once you get used to doing nothing, it's far too easy to stay that way. Also, don't rule out the importance of both weights and stretching as part of your routine. Both will improve your game and your health. And lastly, don't forget to include your family and friends. Working sports or other physical activities into weekend and after-work routines will make the task so much easier. 1) You get to spend more time with those important to you, and 2) You keep fit.

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