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Q: I have just turned 15 years old. I am looking forward to the WHL draft this summer. I was wondering if I could somehow figure out if any WHL teams are interested in me this year somehow?

A: Being a 15 year old player is a very exciting time during any player's career. The Bantam draft and the career choices that are right around the corner are and should be of great interest to you.
      With regards to your question, it is our experience that it is not possible to find out what WHL teams may be interested in you. The reason being is that the teams scout separately so there isn't really one person that you can call. We encourage you to talk to your coach, because he may have an indication of whether or not any WHL teams have been actively scouting you and your games. For teams, the first opportunity for protecting players comes with the Bantam draft. After the draft, the players will be notified by the team that has drafted them. The same scenario goes for protected players. If you'd like to find out a bit more about the bantam draft as well as the WHL Protected Players List, we encourage you to take a look under the career path section, bantam draft.
      With that said, we would like to stress to you the importance of knowing what you want to accomplish. The WHL is a fantastic league that presents great opportunities, yet interestingly at the same time can cost you opportunities. We encourage you to take a look at our page on NCAA rules & regulations. Generally speaking, playing WHL hockey will make you ineligible to play NCAA hockey. (With this said, the NCAA may be amending this rule. You can read more in our Articles & News section. We would also like to tell you that, at 15 years old, you are still very young, and if for some reason you don't get drafted, don't be discouraged, because you have years to develop and grow as a hockey player. We wish you luck with the draft, and we look forward to any more questions you may have in the future.

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