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Q: What do you do if two of your teammates get in a fight during practice, and you're the only guy nearby that could break them up, but they're both slightly larger than you?

A: This is a question that older players may be faced with. Hockey is an extremely competitive sport and with competitive sports comes confrontation, even between teammates.
      There isn't a definitive answer to your question. It basically depends on the situation. If two of your teammates are to the point of fighting, they're obviously very upset. In most cases, the ideal course of action is to have numerous teammates and coaches break it up. Fighting a teammate is something that can happen at the junior and professional level, but in most cases if it can be avoided through teammate intervention, it should. Given the time to calm down, most players will be thankful that the fight didn't occur.
      Now with that said, you also have to realize that if you are the only player nearby that could prevent a fight, it may not be the wisest decision to do so. Reason being, it is hard to effectively break up two people who are fighting by yourself. This is when people get hurt, and we don't just mean the two guys fighting.
      As a rule of thumb, try to keep the peace, but when doing so, make sure you have the ability to do it properly.

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