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Q: I was wondering if you have any conditioning tips for a 12 year old in pretty good overall shape.

A: With regards to your question on conditioning for 12 year olds, we believe that the best tip you can get is to play other sports. Being 12, it is still a little early in your development to worry about training hard for hockey. However, one of the best things you can do for not only conditioning but also your overall athletic ability is to play other sports. A lot of the best NHLers grew up playing other sports, and many continue to do so in the off-season. The truth is that playing multiple sports is a great way to cross-train. It helps you develop great eye-hand coordination, better foot skills, and better overall aerobic conditioning.
      If you are looking specifically to "do that little bit more", we suggest doing exercises that use your own body weight for resistance. Some good examples are push-ups, curls, and chin-ups. These exercises will help you develop strength but won't put undue stress on your bones. Plyometrics are also an alternative. However, some plyometric exercises are heavy impact and can be quite rigorous. Given that you are probably just in the beginning stages of a growth spurt, it would be best to only do the less rigorous plyometric exercises and only a couple times per week at most. As for weight training, it is still too early. Generally speaking, you should only begin weight training once you are fully matured.
      Remember, your goal isn't to become the best hockey player you can be. Your goal is to become the best athlete you can be.

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